Thursday, May 4, 2017

Battle Angel Alita "The Last Order"

     I've been a fan of Japanese media, like many of the people that go to our school. So, when I found out we'd be covering some of the most influential pieces of comic book work, manga, it was a pretty good moment. Battle Angel Alita was definitely a great read that did shounen manga justice -- violence, action, some comedy, and a decent plot -- not to mention the great art style. This type of work is right up my alley and I'm definitely going to try to make more time to find and read some work similar to it. 
     The most outlandish part of this particular comic is around the middle of the comic series -- when older men find the kids in the lab and try to kill them all. It felt like these guys were made to give off this overwhelming amount of masculinity -- steroid strong, extra tall, and incredibly violent -- almost to the point it was hysterical. Then, one guy walks up to this poor kid and exclaims "You don't work out enough!" and bashes his head in with a dumbbell. Talk about some shock value. I can't even imagine what people thought back when this comic series was first made. Yet, the rest of the story seems to support that kind of violence -- considering the scientist was shown having previously blew his brains out among some other graphic scenes within the comic.

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